Are You a Torn Book?

Are you a torn book?

Have you ever enjoyed a BOOK with torn edges or a stained corner? 

Perhaps there was a scene in the book that may not have been your favorite part but as a whole story, the book was amazing! 

As we LIVE out and CREATE our own book of LIFE, the one that we wrote (well, when we were able to make our own decisions) and are still writing, we may find that there are scenes or chapters that we would like to rip out. BURN. FORGET. BURY. 

Moments of loss, foolishness, stupidity, dumb-assery, trauma….

Sometimes, we think we let go of, healed from, or forgotten some HARD stuff, but then the wind blows through the window and the PAGE of memories show up on our desk. HEAVINESS. GUILT. SADNESS. REGRET. 

We began to 2nd GUESS ourselves.

The book - your book - is still a good book and very much worth reading and sharing and honoring and loving and continuing. 

That one PAGE or CHAPTER, though, is still there and, well, it’s part of the story. 

And it’s okay. YOU are OKAY AND you are beautiful and DESTINED to do great things, especially now. 

Look at the PAGE that you wish wasn’t there. 

Acknowledge the hardship. 

Say, “I know. I see you. I see the scar. I feel you right here in this part of my body. But I have things to do today. There are empty pages in my LIFE BOOK that I need to fill. People to love. Things to learn. Places to explore.”

Then take THAT page or chapter and set it in a box. The wind may bring it back one day, but it’s okay. It doesn’t mean you need to read it all day long. When it returns: Acknowledge it. “Hello.” Feel it, if you want. “That part of my life was hard.” Then place it out of your direct path. 

FOCUS with deep breath on how WONDERFUL the rest of your story is and KEEP writing and living out who you want to be. 


There are so many good things you have to offer, and people are WAITING for you and your GIFTS of friendship and leadership and love. 

IMPOSTER SYNDROME and feelings of NOT GOOD ENOUGH have no place here. 

We can all experiences these moments from time to time, especially around certain holidays or anniversary dates.

So, I will tell you what I tell my coaching clients, 

FOCUS on all the AMAZING things you bring into the world, you’ve become because of your journey, and you have shared with others already. 

There are so MANY good pages in your BOOK. 

You are definitely worthy of anything you want to achieve! So keep going.

– Xo Jeni


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