Have You Arrived?

woman looking through binoculars

When you get to where you are going, will you know that you have arrived?

And once you arrive, will you allow yourself to celebrate? 

I’m finding that some of my clients initially have a hard time feeling proud of how far they have come on their journey. 

They seem to forget their resilience, brilliance, determination, courage, tenacity, focus, and overall growth as a person and leader. 

Sometimes the end point is not what was expected (that happens), but most of the time when there is a lack of emotion, it is because their inner voice from a distant past whisper that they are not good enough. 

Listen, my beautiful friends. Everything about you is good and able to either do what you need to do to reach your destination or surround yourself with people who can guide you along the way until you arrive. 

In fact, every person in your life right now is teaching you something. Something to repeat or something to avoid. Love or fear. Learn or fail. 

Continue to surround yourself with people who want you to be successful and soon you will find yourself there.

Contact me to learn how I help busy business owners and founders stay on track with their vision, enjoy the journey, and celebrate each win along the way. 


Lead Like the Geese


From Overwhelm into Curiosity